
Tomato-Basil Soup


This is my favorite soup, easy and quick to make and delicious in taste.

4 Tomatoes
1 Packet of basil leaves
3-4 Garlic  (crushed)
1 Tb spoon olive oil


Pressure cook chopped tomatoes and basil leaves with 2 cups of water.
Blend them well in mixer. Heat oil in a deep wok, add crushed garli and immediately pour tomato-basil mixture.
Mix well and let it boil for 5-7 minutes.Add salt as per taste, season with black pepper.

Serve hot.

Tip: You can enhance its flavour by adding 1 big cardamom while cooking tomatoes and basil.

Tomato-Mint Soup


Healthy soup for stomach. It really do wonders when you have an upset stomach.
Do try this once.

6 Tomatoes
1/2 Bunch of mint leaves
1 Tb spoon olive oil


Pressure cook chopped tomatoes and mint leaves with 2 cups of water.
Blend them well in mixer. Heat oil in a deep wok and add blended mixture.
Boil well, add salt as per taste and season with your favorite spices.
Serve hot.